Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reality vs. Delusions

I had an interesting thought yesterday.  To explain, here's a summation of the circumstances.

I thought I had some friends.  It turned out that I was wrong, I had some acquaintances.  Much of my, "I want to go home" stuff is because I'm lonely.  However, I'd still be lonely even if I went back to my previous city, because I've learned that I was delusional in the friend/acquaintance department.  So, much of my distress is not about location, it's about reality vs. delusional thinking.

See, I was happy, because I was delusional.  Now I'm less delusional, and I'm unhappy about it.  This delusion was all in my head, it was how I was thinking, not fact, that kept me content.  So, without becoming delusional again, what/how can I think to become more content in my new circumstances?

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