Monday, January 3, 2011


I am aware that I "should" focus on good things.  For my mental health and any desire to helpfully use the Law of Attraction / magick theory to my benefit.  What I don't know is how to go about this.  So many unpleasant things have happened, I'm just braced against any more.  And, of course, I get to feel guilty/responsible for those things, BECAUSE of the LoA / magick theory.  Thanks so much, over-developed responsibility gland.  I get to blame myself for the ugly bits, but don't get to change the future.  Bleah.  Talk about learned helplessness.

Currently choosing numb, because anything else involves crying.

Maybe I should do what that cancer guy did a couple of decades ago and just rent a huge amount of comedies and watch them repeatedly, just to practise laughing.

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