Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Title Yet

I find that I have skipped two days of posting.  Sigh.

Recovery continues, slower than I would like, but I'm still doing just fine, in a tired sort of way.  While I'm not 25 anymore, neither am I dead yet.

The homeschooling boy is going to transfer into a small, alternative, charter high school.  I hope it works better than what we have been doing.  That boy scares the socks off of me.  I worry that he won't get a high school diploma, that he'll never be employable and that he'll live with me for the rest of my life.  What the ever loving hell happens to him after I die?  Not to mention the, "OMG, I am never going to get my life back" issue.  Raising kids, I presumed the commitment had an end, that they would grow up and move away.  Silly me.

I just did a ritual, designed to transmute negative energy into positive energy.  I don't know if I *have* the energy to do ritual right now, what with healing and all, but it needed doing.  I am stepping up my magical/sorcerous behavior.  I chose this particular ritual because it was not complex and did not require wing of bat.  Some recipes are just discouraging to read, much less attempt.  There will be a follow up to todays ritual.  Probably tomorrow or on the weekend.  Sea salt was used, thoroughly moistened with peppermint oil.  I will dissolve the remains of the salt in water and cleanse the house with it.

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