Thursday, March 14, 2013

One Last Thing

Dear Goddess, Gentle and Bright, *PLEASE* make it the last thing!

There was more hoorah over sending the money, but all that was with my credit union and getting a form Just Right.  Three phone calls and four identical faxes later, and it was done.  Only a couple hours over all.  The credit union is next on my hit list of organizations that I intend to dump like a hot rock as soon as it is safe to do so.  But the money went away.

So I waited a full day to check and make sure the money went where it was intended to go.  And while the automated phone thing with NationStar assures me a payment was made on Tuesday, the dollar amount mentioned is about one third of the dollar amount I sent, a little over one months payment, as compared to the three months+ that I sent.  It then went on to blithely tell me when and how much my next payment should be, and it is the regular monthly amount, no mention of being in arrears at all.  I suppose I can extrapolate from that that the money is all well and properly dealt with.  That is, if I were to indulge in Hope or Trust when dealing with this company.  That is not going to happen.

However, that one last thing is that I could not get a live human being to speak with at NationStar, to double check that all the money went to all the right places and that All is now Well and Good.  At this stage, I'd like that reassurance, and I just can't get it. 


As a complete aside, I fell over this web site today and it totally hits the spot about how I'm thinking and feeling about Life, the Planet and Everything these days.

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