Monday, January 14, 2013

On Hold

Things have progressed a bit.  By not moving much, apparently.

We have continued to locate and provide information to Keep Your Home California, but have not made it to "accepted" or whatever yet.  It's a slow dang process, I guess.

In the meantime, the new mortgage company has been pretty damn unhelpful.  One of the pieces of information I needed for KYHC was a statement from NationStar Mortgage, which they just could NOT expedite for me.  That took almost 3 weeks to arrive.  We also get robo-calls from them, but no live human beings.  "Please contact us at your earliest opportunity" style things.  So, as I type, I'm on hold with the damn machines. 

Another thing happened that got my hair on fire about is that NationStar attempted to go into my bank account and scoop out money.  I have NEVER authorised them to do that, That Man never did any such thing, we never did that with the last mortgage holder, I hate that sort of thing.  Luckily(?), we did not have the money in the account and so they didn't get anything and we also got a Non Sufficient Funds charge.  Wheee.

(time passes)

They answered the phone.  I'm currently on hold for the third time, as I'm transferred back and forth between departments.

I have spoken to three people about everything, I heard them typing like mad to note down what I was saying.  I only wish they'd read what earlier people typed, because they HAVE all this information.  Sigh.

And, they claim that someone authorised them to go into our bank account.  I *know* that's not the case, but how do you prove you didn't do something?  I have, however, made a permanent stop payment with the credit union to refuse ANY such behaviour from that company again.  I can still send them money, if I ever get any, but they cannot come in and do the scoop it up thing again.

So, there seems to be a job in the offing for that man, the KYHC people might come through eventually and Hell Might Just Freeze Over.  It's amazing to me that things might actually be improving and yet I'm still so Bloody ANGRY.

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