Friday, December 14, 2012

Mortgage Assistance Hurdle #1

Well, employment has not happened yet.  Neither has foreclosure, but we've only just this month stopped making payments, so that's down the road quite a ways.

We are applying with Keep Your Home California for mortgage assistance, because neither BofA or Nationstar appeared to be interested in any form of loan modification or other assistance, ostensibly because of the confusion of the mortgage transfer.  I'll admit to not wanting to work with BofA anyway, for personal historical reasons as well as political and philosophical ones.  Frankly, I don't imagine Nationstar would be any better.  I'm just suspicious of banks in general these days.

I've done a couple of loooong eligibility phone calls with this agency, and just this afternoon, we cleared the first hurdle.  The next one involves waiting for a list of financial documents, and then collecting and returning those documents to them.  Guess what I'm doing next week?

The deal is this; we have to sign a deed of trust and a promissory note saying we'll pay *back* any aid they give us if we sell the house within three years of the end of their help, out of any cash proceeds.  After three years, the note is forgiven.  Now that I'm off the phone with them, the questions I could not think of are starting to pop up in my head.  That's okay, nothing is set in stone yet, so I'll just start a list of questions for our next loooong phone call.

Oh yeah, and the music they played while I was on hold was highly repetitive.  I think my brain has melted.  I just wish places would say something like, "we hate hold music, too, so, every 60 seconds, you'll hear this announcement again, in between times, it will be silent".  Ah well, when I'm Queen of the Universe, there will be some changes made.